Showing 1 - 25 of 49 Results
Discovery of the Source of the Nile by Speke, John Hanning, Grant,... ISBN: 9788854401778 List Price: $14.95
A Walk across Africa; or, domestic scenes from my Nile Journal. by James Augustus Grant ISBN: 9781241497941 List Price: $38.75
Capts. Speke's and Grant's Travels and Adventures in Africa. A thrilling narrative of the pe... by John Hanning Speke, James A... ISBN: 9781241337735 List Price: $18.75
Lake Victoria; a narrative of explorations in search of the source of the Nile. Compiled fro... by John Hanning Speke, James A... ISBN: 9781241515461 List Price: $34.75
Lake Victori : A Narrative of Explorations in Search of the Source of the Nile, Compiled fro... by Speke, John Hanning, Grant,... ISBN: 9781164934233 List Price: $27.16
A Walk Across Africa: Or, Domestic Scenes From My Nile Journal by James Augustus Grant ISBN: 9781179139722 List Price: $37.75
Walk Across Africa : J. A. Grant's Account of the Nile Expedition of 1860-1863 by Grant, James Augustus, Brid... ISBN: 9781908145161
A Walk Across Africa: Or, Domestic Scenes From My Nile Journal by James Augustus Grant ISBN: 9781297872921 List Price: $29.95
Walk across Afric: Or Domestic Scenes from My Nile Journal by Grant, James Augustus ISBN: 9780548244685 List Price: $52.95
Walk across Africa: Or Domestic Scenes from My Nile Journal by Grant, James Augustus ISBN: 9781432646615 List Price: $37.95
Lake Victoria: A Narrative of Explorations in Search of the Source of the Nile, Compiled fro... by Speke, John Hanning, Grant,... ISBN: 9781437262162 List Price: $48.95
A Walk Across Africa: Or, Domestic Scenes from My Nile Journal by Grant, James Augustus ISBN: 9781142527150 List Price: $37.75
A Walk Across Africa: Or, Domestic Scenes from My Nile Journal by Grant, James Augustus ISBN: 9781141992416 List Price: $37.75
A Walk Across Africa: Or, Domestic Scenes from My Nile Journal by Grant, James Augustus ISBN: 9781143295997 List Price: $39.75
A Walk Across Africa by Grant, James Augustus ISBN: 9780217313889 List Price: $13.47
Lake Victoria: A Narrative Of Explorations In Search Of The Source Of The Nile, Compiled Fro... by Speke, John Hanning, Grant,... ISBN: 9781437135374 List Price: $33.95
A Walk Across Africa; or, Domestic Scenes from My Nile Journal by James Augustus Grant ISBN: 9781402190049 List Price: $29.99
Lake Victori : A Narrative of Explorations in Search of the Source of the Nile, Compiled fro... by Speke, John Hanning, Grant,... ISBN: 9781165046294 List Price: $39.16
Walk Across Afric : Or Domestic Scenes from My Nile Journal by Grant, James Augustus ISBN: 9781163545966 List Price: $42.36
A Walk Across Africa: Or, Domestic Scenes from My Nile Journal - Primary Source Edition by James Augustus Grant ISBN: 9781287479796 List Price: $38.75
Lake Victoria: A Narrative of Explorations in Search of the Source of the Nile - Primary Sou... by George Carless Swayne, Jame... ISBN: 9781287998174 List Price: $34.75
A Walk Across Africa: Or, Domestic Scenes From My Nile Journal by James Augustus Grant ISBN: 9781298666307 List Price: $29.95
Walk Across Africa : Or, Domestic Scenes from My Nile Journal - Primary Source Edition by Grant, James Augustus ISBN: 9781294891963 List Price: $39.75
A walk across Africa Or, Domestic scenes from my Nile journal by James Augustus. Grant ISBN: 9785519226677 List Price: $44.95
Walk Across Africa : Or, Domestic Scenes from My Nile Journal - Primary Source Edition by Grant, James Augustus ISBN: 9781293594797 List Price: $39.75
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